The alphabet of vivcolor S stands for solvent Solvents are

The alphabet of #vivcolor S stands for #solvent Solvents are mainly liquids that dissolve a gaseous liquid solid solute giving rise to a solu…

The alphabet of #vivcolor S stands for #solvent Solvents are mainly liquids that dissolve a gaseous liquid solid solute giving rise to a solu… 526 526 Paints, Enamels and Coatings for Industry, Home, Hobby

The alphabet of #vivcolor S stands for #solvent 🧪 Solvents are mainly liquids that dissolve a solute
resulting in a solution.
low point #boiling and #evaporate easily, yet leaving the dissolved substance intact.
Normally they should therefore not react chemically with the solute, i.e. they must be chemically inert; I usually am #liquids clear and colorless and often have a characteristic odour.
#paints #vivcolor #industrialcoating #dreamitpaintit

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