The alphabet of vivcolor P stands for pigments Pigments are

The alphabet of #vivcolor P stands for #pigments Pigments are solid products used in the form of powders of different grain sizes, insoluble in the medium of …

The alphabet of #vivcolor P stands for #pigments Pigments are solid products used in the form of powders of different grain sizes, insoluble in the medium of … 526 526 Paints, Enamels and Coatings for Industry, Home, Hobby

The alphabet of #vivcolor P stands for #pigments 🖍️🔝 Pigments are solid products used in the form of powders of different grain sizes, insoluble in the paint medium. Their function is twofold: to color and give capacity to the paint system in order to hide the substrate on which the system is applied. Look at our folder to discover our colors. #vivcolor #vernici #dreamitpaintit

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